Upward disturbance of phlegm resulting in loss of consciousness is the common cause of epilepsy. Some cases are genetic.
Epilepsy may be induced by mental irritation when the pathogenic agents of yang type rise, interior wind is stirred and phlegm confuses teh mind causing acute attack of epilepsy.
Common causes
Perinatal asphyxia, birth trauma, Ammon's horn sclerosis caused by anoxia suffered during protracted labour, head injuries, brain tumours, cerebral infections like meningitis or encephalitis and cerebrovascular disease like cerebral infarct can cause epilepsy. However a cause can be attributed in only about 40% cases.
Modern views of epileptogenesis concern changes in neuro-transmitter levels as well as complex interactions within neurons at receptor sites on the membrane. The superior region of the hippocampus containing CA, CA2, CA3 neurons is one of the most seizure prone areas of the brain.
Clinical features
In petitmal epilepsy there is momentary loss of consiousness. Patient may jus stare straight in the space and return to normal. In grandmal epilepsy there is a typical seizure-fit. Patient gets aura, loss of consciousness, generalised or one sided convulsions and froth on the lips.
Seizure may last for about 5-15 minutes. In status epilepticus patient getsrepeated seizures without regaining consciousness between the attacks. Focal epilepsy (Jacksonian fits) begins inn one part of the body and then spreads to other muscle groups. Temporal lobe (Psychomotor) epilepsy is not as severe as grandmal. Seizure may be preceded by hallucinations.
Most of our patients have reported that the seizure is common on around purnima (Full moon day) or Amavasya. Changes in the magnetic field of the earth may be a possibel cause. We have also observed that in some cases sour eatables or anger precipitate the attack. Epilepsy is generally hereditary. If so, it comes on in early childhood.
Epilepsy describes symptoms rather than a disease. Recurrent attacks of disturbed consciousness, altered behaviour, motor or sensory phenomena etc., are accompanied by an excessive electrical discharge.
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