Lumbago is pain in the lower part of the back. It is by far the commonest ailment for which patients come to our treatment centre. It is very common after the age of 35. Women out number men probably because of their house hold work which involves off & on forward bending. Drivers, people who do a lot of journey by road, workers who have to lift heavy objects are also common sufferers. Common causes of lumbago are
- Lumbar spondylosis
- Spondylolysthesis
- Prolapsed inter vertebral disc
- Spinal tumour
- Trauma
- Lumbar canal stenosis
- Sprain while lifting heavy objects.
- Spinal anaesthesia
- Renal diseases
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Rheumatism
- Ankylosing spondylosis
- Malignant disease in the pelvis
- Tuberculosis of the vertebral bodies or of the sacro-illiac joint.
Changes in the intervertebral may appear as early as 20 year of age but herniation is often precipitated by trauma such as twisting the spine, lifting heavy weights while the spine is flexed or during childbirth. The neucleus pulposes may bulge or rupture the annulus fibrosus giving rise to lumbago by pressure on nerve ending in the spinal ligaments and by producing changes in the joints of the vertebral arches and to sciatica by causing congestion or pressure on the nerve roots.
Etio-Pathogenesis according to Traditional Chinese Medicine
Invasion by pathogenic cold and damp
In this case, 9bstruction of circulation of qi in meridians and colleterals causes lumbago. Living in cold and damp atmosphere, exposure to rain or wading in water or being drenched with sweat are precipitating factors.
Deficiency of Kidney Qi
Excessive sexual activity consumes essence and Qi of Kidney resulting in poor nourishment of the meridians in the lumbar region. It leads to lumbago.
Trauma due to sprain or contusion
Trauma causes injury or meridians and collaterals leading to stagnation of Qi and blood, producing lumbago.
Clinical features
Onset maybe slow or sudden followed by trauma. Attacks of lumbago may precede sciatica by months or years. There is severe low backache aggravated by forward bending. The sciatic pain is felt in buttock and radiates down the posterior aspect of the thigh and calf to the outer border of the foot. It is aggravated by exertion, coughing and sneezing. Parasthesia and later numbness may be felt over the distribution of the involved nerve root. Flattening of the lumbar curve and scoliosis may occur. Tenderness may be found on either side of the vertebral spines of the affected disc. Involvement of 1st sacral root causes loss of the ankle jerk, weakness while eversion and plantar flexion of the foot and sensory loss over the outer border of the foot. The glutei may be wasted. Involvement of 5th lumbar root causes weakness during dorsiflexion of the toes and sometimes foot drop. Sensory loss occurs on the dorsum of the foot and lateral aspect of the leg. The ankle jerk is not affected. Involvement of the fourth lumbar root causes weakness of inversion of the foot and of quadriceps muscle and loss of knee jerk. Sensory loss is over medial aspect of the leg.
There may be apparent radiological change in acute disc herniation or there may be narrowing of the disc space with osteophyte formation at the margins of the vertebral bodies. Intraspinal neoplasms as the cause of sciatica should be suspected if the CSF protein exceeds, 100 mg./100 ml. Myelography CT Scan or M.R.I. can locate the site of disc lesion.
Acupuncture effects on Lower back pain:
We solved lower back pain for multiples of hundreds through our micro system of Acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture helps to reduce pain and inflammation by stimulating specific acupuncture points on the body, which trigger the brain to release neurotransmitters & endorphins (the body’s natural pain relievers). This stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system also regulates our serotonin and dopamine production, which help our body to relax and feel joy. By focusing on acupuncture points of the lower back and legs it is helping to reduce muscle tension and bring more circulation and endorphins to the area, allowing the body to resume healing.
For acute cases a patient may get relief within 2-3 treatments. For more chronic issues it could take up to 8-12 treatments depending on other circumstances, such as disc herniation, stenosis, etc. Acupuncture and strengthening exercises are a great place to start the healing process of low back pain and sciatica.
If you would like to get more information on acupuncture for your low back pain or sciatica you can call Healer Sivakumar to set up a free 10 minute consultation, 9245441900
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